Our school governing body is made up of parents, staff and members of the local community. They play a vital part in school life, taking responsibility, for example, for school finance, staffing, learning & teaching and the curriculum. They meet at least termly and, as well as the full governing body, we have a number of other committees who oversee a variety of aspects of school life.
Rev. Colin Such is the Chair of the Governing Board and is a regular visitor to the school.
Rev. Such can be contacted via:
c/o Radleys Primary School, Kings Road, Walsall, WS4 1JJ
01922 721383
Our Governors
Name | Category | Term of Office | Role |
Rev. Colin Such | Chair of Governors/Co-opted Governor | 28/01/23 - 27/01/28 | Pastoral/ Mental Health/Wellbeing Governor |
Mrs Susan Vincent | Co-opted Governor | 12/11/22 - 11/11/27 | Safeguarding Governor |
Mrs Linda Stephens | Parent Governor | 13/12/23 - 12/12/27 | LAC Governor |
Mrs Sarah Brookes | Vice Chair of Governors/ Co-opted Governor | 13/11/22 - 12/11/27 | HR Governor |
Mrs Juli Copley | Head Teacher Governor | 16/04/12 | Head Teacher |
Mrs Amy Coughlan | Staff Governor | 28/11/23 -27/11/27 | SEND & PP Governor |
Mrs Lucy Burfoot | Parent Governor | 17/11/21 - 16/11/25 | Finance Governor |
Cllr Richard Worrall | LA Governor | 18/07/20 - 17/07/24 | Community Links Governor |
Mr Neville Portas | C0-opted Governor | 13/07/22 - 12/07/26 | Learning Outside the Classroom Governor |
Mrs Verna Mills | Co-opted Governor | 17/11/21-16/11/25 | Curriculum & Standards Governor |
Miss Stephanie Butler | Co-opted Governor | 17/11/21-16/11/25 | IT and Online Safety Governor |
Governors: Roles and Responsibilities
Being a governor can be an extremely rewarding experience.
Questions parents often may ask include:
What does the role involve? Do I have the necessary skills? Will I be made to feel welcome? How can I help?
You can find out more below.
The Governing Body
The governing body has 3 key roles:
To provide a strategic view
To act as a critical friend to the Head Teacher and staff
To ensure accountability
The governing body has to comply with regulations set out by the Department of Education and is required to appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair. The governing body is also required to meet 3 times a year at ‘full governor meetings’, which take place each term, usually towards the end. The Governing Body is made up of parents, members of the local authority and the community and staff.
The responsibilities of the governing body include setting targets for pupil achievement, managing the school finances, making sure that the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, appointing staff and reviewing staff pay and performance. Some of these functions are discussed at separate committee meetings, with each governor selecting which committee/s they participate in depending on the contribution they are able to make. Each committee has an agreed remit, a proforma agenda and recorded minutes. Currently we have several separate committees.
Each of the main committees meet at least once a term, sometimes more frequently and has specific terms of reference. They report back to all governors at the termly full governors meeting. The Appeals Committee meets when required. The minutes from the full governors meetings are public documents and can be viewed at by request at the school office.
In addition, we have a number of other committees who have specific responsibilities which include: Head Teacher's Appraisal; Staff Dismissal; Appeals, Pupil Discipline. These committees meet as necessary.
Click these links to find out more about this value role in school role.
Chair of Governors Job Description
Vice-Chair of Governors Job Description
Our Expectations of all Governors
The school's annual audited accounts are available for inspection upon request.