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Admission Arrangements
Radleys Primary School Admission Number: 30
The Admission Number is the capacity of the school to admit children at the normal age of entry into Reception.
We currently deal with admissions to Nursery. Please contact us for details. To apply for a place please contact the school office for an admission form (01922 721383).
Applications to Reception are dealt with by Walsall Council. More information can be found by clicking this link.
If there are more applications than there are places available, places will be allocated using the Over-subscription Criteria in the following order of priority:
Children in Public Care (looked after children) and previously looked after children.
Pupils who have an older sibling (see note 1 below) already in attendance at the school, or paired junior school when the application is made and who will be still attending the school at the proposed admission date.
Pupils for whom a place at the school is essential on medical or social grounds as supported in writing by a medical practitioner or a social worker. (Applications will be subject to verification by the Director of Children's Services).
Distance between the home address and the school as measured in a straight line with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority.
If there is over-subscription in criteria 2 and 3, priority will be given to those living closest to the school as measured in a straight line.
A sibling is a child who resides at the same address as the child for whom a place is being requested and is one of the following:
A brother or sister sharing the same parents
A half-brother or half-sister sharing one common parent
A step-brother or step-sister (i.e. is related by their parent's marriage)
Any other child for whom it can be demonstrated that he or she is residing permanently at the same address (e.g. under the terms of a residency order)