School Uniform
At Radleys Primary School we feel that school uniform:
ï‚· promotes a sense of pride in the school;
ï‚· makes children feel part of a community;
ï‚· is practical, safe and smart;
ï‚· identifies the children as representatives of the school;
ï‚· is not distracting in class (as fashion clothes might be);
ï‚· makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
ï‚· has been designed with health and safety in mind.
Click here for our School Uniform Policy.

School Uniform
Dark Grey trousers or skirts
EYFS white polo shirt (no tie)
Year 1 & 2 white shirt or polo shirt (no tie)
Years 3 - 6 formal white shirt and plain red tie
Red logo jumper(round/v neck)/cardigan
Socks – grey with trousers and shorts and white with
Tights – red or grey
A red book bag for all year groups.
Uniform to be worn during the Summer Term:
Red and white check/ gingham dresses for girls (no
Grey shorts for boys/girls (to be worn with a shirt and
tie). School will inform parents when ties/top buttons
may be undone -e.g. during hot weather

PE Kit
Children are required to wear their PE Kit to school on the days they have PE.
The uniform is as follows:
Black shorts
Red t-shirt (with or without school logo)
Plain black tracksuits . (School crested tracksuits are also
available, should you choose.)
No commercial items, including football kits are
allowed for PE. No football tracksuits are allowed.
Swimming costume (girls) - this should be a full costume. No bikinis or tankinis.
Trunks (boys) - these should not be Bermuda shorts or swimming shorts.
Red swimming cap (available from the school office)
Goggles - under prescription only
Children are allowed to wear a watch and a pair of plain stud earrings - no hoops.
Any other jewellery will be removed and stored securely in the office until the end of the day.
A red Alice band or red bobbles and red slides are allowed as hair accessories. No flowers, colours or other ornaments are to be worn. Children will be asked to remove inappropriate items. Long hair must be tied back for PE.
Nail varnish, nail and hair extensions and make-up are not allowed in school at any time. Parents will be asked to collect their child and to remove any of these items.