Year 3
Welcome to Year 3! 2021-22
Our Teachers in Reception are:
Teacher support - Miss Denning
Teacher support - Mrs Fellows
Curriculum Information
Autumn 1 -
Autumn 2 -
Spring 1 -
Spring 2 -
Summer 1 -
Summer 2 -
Home work in Year 3.
Reading books and red planners need to be in school everyday. Our expectation is that all children read at home, every night, to an adult and that this is recorded using their reading records. If children are reading other texts at home, for example; newspapers, comics, novels, non-fiction etc. then please record these into their reading records too as we would love to see all of the things that children enjoy to read. Children should complete a minimum of two quizzes each week on Accelerated Reader, depending of the length of the text they are reading. This allows us to closely monitor every child's progress.
It is important for children to practice their times table facts to ensure that they can rapidly recall these facts and to also aid their confidence. Please use Times Table Rockstars for this.
Spellings will be given out every Friday and should be learnt at home, ready for a spelling test the following week. We will be learning the spelling patterns/rules within class whilst finding out their meanings and attempting to use the words, where appropriate, within our writing. Red planners are used for spelling tests and so need to be in school every Friday. This enables you to see how your child is doing each week.