Year 4
Welcome to Year 4! 2021-22
Our Teachers in Reception are:
Teacher support - Miss Smith
Teacher support - Miss Simkiss
Curriculum Information
Our curriculum theme for Autumn 1 is Potions.
Our curriculum theme for Autumn 2 is Potions.
Our curriculum theme for Spring 1 is I am Warrior!
Our curriculum theme for Spring 2 is Misty Mountain Sierra.
Our curriculum theme for Summer 1 is Road Trip USA!
Our curriculum theme for Summer 2 is Blue Abyss
If you would like to see our weekly timetable please click here. This will be our general timetable for this year, although this is sometimes subject to change.
Homework in Year 4.
It is expected that children read at home, every night, to an adult and that this is recorded using their reading records. If children are reading other texts at home, for example; newspapers, comics, novels, non-fiction etc. then please record these into their reading records as I would love to see the texts that they are choosing to read at home!
It is important for children to practice their times table facts to ensure that they can rapidly recall these facts and to also aid their confidence. Please use Times Table Rockstars for this.
Spellings will be given out every Friday and should be learnt at home, ready for a spelling test the following week. We will be learning the spelling patterns/rules within class whilst finding out their meanings and attempting to use the words, where appropriate, within our writing.
Projects will continue to be given in conjunction with our half-termly curriculum themes. Projects may include models, pictures, information etc. and each child will be given a green book to record their project work into. Last year, we had so many amazing projects completed and we really do appreciate the time/effort put in by all adults who help to compete these alongside the children.
Curriculum overview

PE information.
P.E. will be taught each week on a Thursday morning. Please ensure that your child has their full P.E kits in school, at all times. All children should have black shorts, a red t-shirt and black pumps. For outdoor P.E. lessons, children may wear black jogging bottoms as oppose to shorts.
National Curriculum Expectations for Year 4
To find out what is expected of children in Year 4 please click here.
You can view the spellings that Year 4 children need to know here.
You can view vocabulary, grammar and punctuation expectations here.