Year 2
Welcome to Year 2! 2021-22
Our Teachers in Reception are:
Class Teacher - Miss Breen
Teacher support - Mrs Sheldon
Teacher support - Miss Sparrock
PE kits should be clearly named and in school every day.
Our PE sessions are on a Friday afternoon
Reading books: Please make sure your child brings their reading book each day. Please hear your child read at least three times a week; there are activities and question prompts to help you to support your child's reading and comprehension on the inside covers of each book. It is also good practice to read any age related text of your child's choice so children are exposed to a wide range of books including non-fiction books and poems. Each child has a day in the week that their reading book will be changed, as long as their reading record has been signed by an adult to say they have read at home.
Planners: Please make sure planners are in school every day and use them to pass messages from home to school, we will also write any messages we have for you in the planners.
Times tables: This year we will be learning our 2, 5, and 10 times tables.
Spellings: We will have spellings on a Friday. Please practice at home.
Curriculum overview
Websites to enhance children's learning: