Schools have a statutory duty to inform parents/carers about how well the school is performing.
On the drop down menu in the 'Parents' tab you will find links to useful websites. We have included links to OFSTED and the DfE and how we spend the Pupil Premium and PE and Sports Grant. You can also find information about what is happening in the local area on our 'Community' pages.
We hope you find this useful. If you think of anything else you would like us to add to these pages, please let us know and we will be happy to add it.
Children Not Collected at the End of the School Day Policy
To ensure the safeguarding of all children, it is essential that the school has a procedure in place for the safe collection of all children at the end of a school day, and guidance for parents/carers in the event of them being late/unable to collect their child.
To keep children safe.
To ensure that all members of the school community are aware of the correct procedures for the end of the school day.
To highlight the importance of maintaining clear lines of communication and up-to-date contact details.
The school expects children to be collected at the end of the school day, which is 3.30 pm.
The school gates are opened at 3.20pm. Parents/carers are asked to keep the area around the classroom doors and windows clear to enable children to make a safe and quick exit and are asked to make sure they are visible to their child.
Parents/carers are asked to wait in the playground to collect their child.
Children in EYFS and Key Stage One are let out of class at 3.25pm and are handed over to their parent/carer only.
The school must have written approval from a parent for a child in KS2 to go with any representative under the age of 16, including older brothers and sisters.
Children in Y5 and 6 are allowed to walk home alone with prior parental permission
Children in Key Stage Two are let out of class at 3.30p.m. Parents/carers are asked to wait for their child in the playground area, in the playground outside their child’s exit door.
If the person expected to collect the child is not there, the child will return to the classroom and inform the class teacher
Any child not collected within 10 minutes will be taken to sit outside the school reception and will need to be collected from there.
Please refer to Guidance for Parents/Carers within this policy for the procedure beyond this point.
Guidance for parents/carers in the event of a parent/carer not arriving to collect their child at the end of the school day
As a parent/carer, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child is collected at the end of the school day. It is essential that parents/carers provide the school with a record of their contact details i.e. names, addresses, home, work and mobile telephone numbers. Parents should also provide the school with the contact details of at least two other relatives/carers who can be called when the parent/carer cannot be contacted or in the event of an emergency. Should any of these details change, parents/carers should inform the school immediately.
If you are unexpectedly delayed and are unable to collect, or will be late collecting your child from school, please contact the school immediately by telephoning 01922 721383.
If you arrange for another adult to collect your child, you must let the school know the details of that person prior to the child being collected. If the school office has not been informed we will make contact with you before we allow a child to leave.
If contact has not been made by 4.30pm (or 5.00pm if the child is attending an after-school club) a telephone call will be made to children's services informing them of the situation.
The following information will be required:
Child’s name
Date of birth
Parent/carer/alternative carer details - names and addresses
Language spoken
Special dietary needs
SEN/behavioural difficulties/medical needs
Home/work and mobile telephone numbers
Any current or previous child protection concerns
Any previous incidents of not being collected from school
If there are any concerns about the welfare of the parent/carer, social services will ask the local police to visit the home address.
In the event that the child is in immediate need of protection, the police, who have emergency protection powers, will be contacted.