Welcome to Nursery 2021 - 2022
Our Adults in Nursery are:
Class Teacher - Mrs Harper
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Snape and Mrs Parton
Important Information
The school hours are as follows:
Morning Nursery (15 hours): 8:30-11:30
30 Hour Provision: 8:30-2:30
Useful websites
Our topics for the rest of the year are:
Curriculum Overview

Here are some activities you can do to support your child's learning at home:
Sharing books, stories, rhymes and poems;
Offering opportunity for a variety of mark making using paper, pencils, crayons, paints, chalks, sand and anything else you can lay your hands on!
Talk about the numbers, letters, colours and words you see when you are out and about;
Allow your child the opportunity to cut and stick with pictures from magazines (using child scissors);
Plant seeds or bulbs in a garden patch;
Cook and bake together
If your child achieves something for the first time and wows you, please ask a member of staff for an observation form. Parent observations are key in helping us create a full picture of your child which will help us to provide relevant and appropriate activities which will support your child's learning even further.
Your child will participate in P.E./Music, movement and dance activities on a Tuesday. Due to current restrictions, please ensure your child comes in their P.E. kit. Please also ensure that each item of clothing is clearly labelled.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) accounts for the time in a child's life between birth and the age of five years. The EYFS sets out the framework of learning and development which is used to plan the children's activities in Nursery. The EYFS framework sets out seven areas of learning. These include three Prime Areas:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The Prime Areas build the foundations of your child's development and future learning. As children develop, the Prime Areas will support the growth of skills and knowledge in the four Specific Areas:
Understanding of the World
Expressive Arts and Design
For more information, please visit www.foundationyears.org.uk/files/2014/08/EYFS_Parents_Guide-amended.pdf
How My Child's Timetable is Organised
Click here for a basic overview of your child's daily routine. Our timetable is subject to change to suit children's needs and interests.
How Does my Child Learn to Read in Nursery?
Phonics is a method of teaching reading and supporting writing, through teaching the sounds individual and groups of letters of the alphabet make when spoken.
At the beginning of the school year all nursery children will take part in 'Letters and Sounds' activities. We play a variety of games to develop children's listening skills. Children need to learn how to listen to sounds in the environment, musical sounds, voice sounds and much more before they are able to listen and hear and read sounds in words.
At Radleys, we also follow the Read, Write Inc. programme, this begins in the Summer term in order to support and prepare children for a more structured phonics lesson in Reception.
I have attached a link to the Ruth Miskin website which might help you at home. Please click here.
If you have any questions about your child's needs, learning and development, please speak to a member of the Early Years Team.
Thank you for your continued support!