Year 6
Welcome to Year 6! 2021-22
Our Teachers in Reception are:
Class Teacher - Miss Smith
Teacher support - Mr Copley
Curriculum Information
Autumn 1:
Autumn 2:
Spring 1:
Spring 2:
Summer 1:
Summer 2:
Homework in Year 5.
It is expected that children read at home each night and have this recorded in their reading records.
Maths and English homework will be sent home each week and will need to be completed by the following week. Information on when it is set and needs to be completed by will be written in the children's diaries.
An additional piece of homework may be set each week linked to another subject such as: science, history, geography or French and children will be asked to write the hand in date of this homework into their school planners.
We will be making sure that we are confident with and able to rapidly recall all of our times table facts.
PE information.
P.E in Year 6 is on Thursdays and Fridays. The children are expected to bring their kits every week whether it be an indoor or outdoor kit.
The kit they will need this term is an indoor kit with pumps.
The children this term will be indoors learning the skills of basketball and hockey.
National Expectations of Year 6
To find out what is expected of children in Year 6 please click here.
You can view the spellings that Year 6 children need to know here.
You can view the vocabulary, grammar and punctuation expectations here.
SATs Revision
This year is an important year for us because we are preparing and working hard for our SATs tests.
We use CGP revision books and websites like the ones below to help us revise for these.