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Outside the School

Radleys' Raisers

Radleys' Raisers was formed in September 2015, to replace the previous PTA. All parents, carers and guardians are automatically members and are welcome to contribute ideas and support.  There is a committee that meets on a regular basis to socialise and plan for future events. Radleys' Raisers will be supporting us by raising funds with events such as: discos, the Christmas Fayre, raffles, film club and the Summer Fayre. 
The funds raised will be used to buy additional equipment or fund additional curriculum events for our children. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to read our newsletters.

 Our Committee

Radleys' Raisers office bearers are:
Chair:  Karen Layton
Treasurer:  Kerry Yates
Radleys Primary School Teaching/Staff Liaison:
Mrs Copley
Mrs Elliott
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